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Ignorance is bliss – Not an option in Health & safety

One Derbyshire firm failed to do risk assessments & it cost them £24, 000. Read More http://t.co/8mACyOGX

Health Promotion – 5 Health Tips for the New Year

Stop smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the most common resolutions every year.

However, only a fraction of smokers ever succeed, mostly due to the fact that many aren’t prepared and are not sure how they are going to do it. The good news is that studies of smokers, who successfully quit, show that having a plan is crucial to success.

You are four times more likely to quit successfully if you ask for help along the way.  This means you should look at the following.

  • Sign up with your local stop smoking service for face-to-face support and advice.
  • Call the Smokefree charity on 0800 0224 332.
  • Ask your doctor for help if you’re finding it hard to manage your cravings.
  • Look at what can help aside from patches and gum. For instance you could double your chances of quitting with stop-smoking medication.

Lose weight

The problem is most people fail at weight loss because they expect to see an instant result and become discouraged when they don’t.

‘The key to successful and permanent weight loss is to understand that healthy eating is something you have to do for life and that you need to allow your body and mind time to get used to it,’ says nutritionist Hannah Saunders.

To lose weight effectively, follow these tips.

  1. Get the right type of support. Studies show those who get support via friends or weight loss groups lose weight more successfully.
  2. Bear in mind that a realistic weight-loss goal is losing one to two pounds (0.5 to 1 kilogram) per week.
  3. Choose a healthy eating plan with emphasis on lean protein, healthy fats and vegetables.

Drink less

The problem is many people don’t achieve it because they don’t realise how much they’re drinking, and they keep putting themselves in environments where it’s difficult to drink less.

The first step is to look honestly at how much you drink so you have an understanding of how your drinking compares to the recommended daily guidelines.

Once you’ve done this, Drinkaware, the charity for sensible drinking, suggests the following.

  1. Consider how much you drink at home and try to buy smaller glasses.
  2. When you’re out, choose more diluted alcoholic drinks, such as white wine spritzers.
  3. Learn to read and understand labels on drink bottles for unit value and alcohol strength, so you know exactly what you’re consuming.

Get fit

‘The problem with getting fit is that it takes time and hard work. People don’t want to admit that when they take it on,’ says personal trainer Leigh Adams.

‘It basically means you have to do it regularly, forgo unhealthy habits, and be committed at least three to four times a week.

‘This is why 60 per cent of gym memberships lie wasted for the whole year.’

The trick to making it work says Gillian Reeves, group exercise manager at Virgin Active Health Clubs, is to look at the following.

  1. Choose something that you enjoy. Why not try walking, running, Zumba or aerobics?
  2. Set short, medium and long-term goals to keep you motivated and committed.
  3. Seek professional advice. Fitness professionals will be able to point you in the right direction, design a programme specifically for you, track your progress and help you to achieve your goals.

Get more sleep

While most of us yearn for more sleep, when it comes to going to bed early and cutting out bad habits that work against sleep, such as using televisions and computers just before bed, we’re not so keen.

The solution to better sleep, advises Dr James B. Maas, author of ‘Sleep for success’, is to establish a regular sleep schedule.

This means you should try to do the following.

  1. Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning, including weekends.
  2. Do not try to catch up on lost weekday sleep by sleeping in on the weekends. If you sleep late on Sunday, your internal clock will be off and you will be sleepy when it’s time to be refreshed and alert.
  3. Switch off televisions and computers 40 minutes before bed so your body clock knows it’s time to sleep.


Not good reading for the standards in Care Homes in Devon.

Less than a third of Westcountry care homes inspected last year have fully satisfied the care watchdog, with 13 receiving warning notices, the Western Morning News has learned.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has revealed details of the inspection programme in Devon andCornwallafter 413 of the 923 facilities were assessed.

Under the new regulations, which came into force in October last year, the highest levels of non-compliance in care homes in Devon and Cornwall were care and welfare, management of medicines, cleanliness and infection control, safeguarding vulnerable people and supporting workers.

Failings in the five standards for home care included staffing, records, care and welfare, assessing and monitoring quality.

Top 10 myths of Elf & Safety at Xmas

Not to dampen the festive spirits, 10 myths of Elf & Safety @ Xmas read more »

Elf & Safety at Christmas!

ELF & SAFETY @ XMAS !  Please blog your near misses & accidents so OTHERS can avoid. Here are some to avoid. read more »

Welcome to our new website!

Thanks to the hard work and support of some very special people, we are excited that the website is now live. Particular thanks to Dave!

We would like to wish all our present clients & future clients a very happy Christmas & a prosperous New Year.

Mark and Nicole